March were once the staple of the gay stroke mags that sadly no longer really exist, which provided a rich resource of fresh fiction every month. You can find them used on Amazon - sorry boys and girls, paperback only, no e-books - and if you can track a copy down, I highly recommend them. He’s apparently long out of the game now - I haven’t heard anything from him in probably a decade, at least - but his collections “Looking For Trouble” and “Hard” are stunningly well-written, incredibly sexy collections of genuine writing. “Looking For Trouble” is an especially strong collection, with a singular voice and depth that still read true almost 20 years later. One author who really opened my eyes to the possibility of the erotic story form is R.J. I have no idea if any of their books are even still available, but I dug the fuck out of them, and you probably will too. If you’re familiar with the works of Phil Andros or Rick Jackson and his incredibly hot military adventure tales, you’re probably smiling at this right now. I was first getting into reading erotic fiction back when the internet was still only just starting to become a thing, so a lot of my one-handed reading was courtesy of erotic story anthologies.